This is my story of how I stopped beating myself up and started being kind to my body. You've hear the saying, you only get one body so treat it well, or something along that line. So, why is it so easy to mistreat your body? Why do we feel the need to fill our heads and our hearts with unkind thoughts and words? Why do we feel the need to abuse our body?
This was me and not too long ago. I've always been body conscious. At a young age, I was curvy when other girls were still filling out. I had big boobs (that I would kill for now) and hips, and I just felt awkward and uncomfortable. At times I embraced it and wore fitted dresses and tops and other times I wore boys clothes to mask it. I would stand in the mirror sucking in my stomach, pulling bits of flesh wishing it wasn't there.
I ate very little and most of it crap. That was my teenage years.
In college I decided I wasn't going to gain the Freshman 15 and thought binging and purging was the way to go. I felt awful, but I refused to "get fat". I lived on mostly cereal and then binged on food like Taco Bell and Wendy's. It was awful. I let others decide my self worth and a lot of days it wasn't much.
As I got older, I started to feel more comfortable in my own skin. I started to accept things a bit more gracefully. I still would cry trying on clothing (sometimes still do), pinching away flesh that I didn't like, refusing to buy something if it wasn't in "my" size. I would eat food that I really enjoyed, then feeling horribly guilty later so that it was no longer an enjoyable experience. I would work out to the point that I would get hurt.
I've done diet pills, crash diets, fat burners, faced an eating disorder, worked out to punish my body for how I felt. I had been my bodies worst critic and enemy for a long time.
I finally and (within the last 5 years) have more accepted myself and my body and treat it kindly. I eat to feel well. Sometimes that's pie or pasta, usually it veggies and chicken. I work out to feel better, have energy and to stay lean and toned. I keep my negative thoughts at bay. They rear their ugly head from time to time and I have to quiet them. I could easily focus on what I don't like about my body, how I could eat better and do more. Instead, I focus on listening to my body. What does it need? Do I feel like pushing hard or doing something a little lighter? Do I need a bowl filled with veggies or do I need complex carbs?
I'm not saying this is an easy thing to do, but once you get there, it sure is nice. So really, take care of your body, you only do get one. :)
Stay fit, stay healthy